And in the midst of a global pandemic...

Again straying away from my chosen topic of this blog, I felt this news should be shared.
As I was scrolling through twitter earlier today I saw LACMA was trending and clicked on it as I thought it would just contain information about a virtual tour, similar to how other Los Angeles museums have been doing. To my unpleasant surprise I saw several articles about how the museum is currently being demolished. In the article linked, it explains how that the beloved museu, has already negan being torn down. The Los Angeles Museum is being torn down to be part of a Peter Zumthor building project that costs $750-million. This is very sad to see, especially with so many other things currently going on. The LACMA was a great place for teenagers, children, and families to attend. They held amazing exhibits. In highschool I remember going to free teen nights that they would host and they would allow kids to create their own art. The article does not really tell what the purpose of this new building will be, but hopefully they also host some sort of events for teenagers and families.

Link to the Los Angeles times article-


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